Curcumin Clinical Studies
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Chemoprevention of GI Cancers with Dietary Agents: Are We There Yet?
AGA Perspectives—February 17, 2008
Back to basics: how natural products can provide the basis for new therapeutics
Informa Healthcare—2007
Targeting Cell Signaling Pathways for Drug Discovery: An Old Lock Needs a New Key
Journal of Cellular Biochemistry—2007
From Ancient Medicine to Modern Medicine: Ayurvedic
Concepts of Health and Their Role in Inflammation and Cancer
Journal of the Society for Integrative Oncology—December 21, 2006
Pretherapy nuclear factor-KB status, chemoradiation resistance, and metastatic progression in esophageal carcinoma
American Association for Cancer Research—November 2006
Nuclear Factor-kB (NF-kB) Is Frequently Expressed in Lung Cancer and Preneoplastic Lesions
American Cancer Society—October 31, 2006
Inflammation and cancer: How hot is the link?
Elsevier Ireland Ltd—June 21, 2006
Molecular targets of dietary agents for prevention and therapy of cancer
Elsevier Ireland Ltd—June 21, 2006
Association of Activated Transcription Factor Nuclear
Factor kB With Chemoradiation Resistance and Poor Outcome in Esophageal Carcinoma
Journal of Clinical Oncology—February 10, 2006
 Oncologic, Endocrine & Metabolic
From traditional Ayurvedic medicine to modern medicine: identification of therapeutic
targets for suppression of inflammation and cancer
Ashley Publications—2006
Nuclear Factor-kB: A Holy Grail in Cancer Prevention and Therapy
Bentham Science Publishers Ltd—2006
All pathways to cancer apoptosis meeting in
Thiruvananthapuram (India)
International Symposium on Translational Research: Apoptosis & Cancer—Trivandrum (India)—December 18-21, 2005
Chemosensitization and Radiosensitization
of Tumors by Plant Polyphenols
Antioxidants & Redox Signaling—June 27, 2005
Redox Regulation of Apoptosis by Members of the TNF Superfamily
Antioxidants & Redox Signaling—October 17, 2004.
Transcription Factor NF-kB A Sensor for Smoke and Stress Signals
New York Academy of Sciences—2005
Role of chemopreventive agents in cancer therapy
Thambi Doraia a and Bharat B. Aggarwal b—July 7, 2004
aComprehensive Cancer Center, Our Lady of Mercy Medical Center, New York Medical College, Bronx, NY 10466, USA
bCytokine Research Section, Department of Experimental Therapeutics, The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Box 143, 1515 Holcombe Boulevard, Houston, TX 77030, USA
Cell cycle control as a basis for cancer chemoprevention through dietary agents.
Meeran SM, Katiyar SK.
Department of Dermatology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL35294, USA
The development of cancer is associated with disorders in the regulation of the cell cycle. The purpose of this review is to briefly summarize the known sequence of events that regulate cell cycle progression with an emphasis on the checkpoints and the mechanisms cell employ to insure DNA stability in the face of genotoxic stress. Key transitions in the cell cycle are regulated by the activities of various protein kinase complexes composed of cyclin and cyclin-dependent kinases (CDK) molecules. The cyclins are CDK binding partners which are required for kinase activity and their protein levels are intimately linked to the cell cycle stage. CDK activity can be regulated by other mechanisms, such as phosphorylation events, that may contribute to deregulation of cell cycle and the development of cancer.
While fruits and vegetables are recommended for prevention of cancer, their active ingredients and mechanisms of action are less well understood. Here, we briefly present evidence that dietary agents identified from fruits and vegetables can act to modulate the effects of deregulated cell cycle checkpoints, and that this may contribute to the prevention of cancer. The agents include apigenin (celery, parsley), curcumin (turmeric), (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (green tea), resveratrol (red grape, peanuts and berries), genistein (soybean), and silymarin (milk thistle). The teachings of Hippocrates are still true "let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food".